Fight the New Drug

Fight the New Drug Video: My porn recovery story

***To see my featured talk "How Love Defeats Porn" given at the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C. click here. ***

Monday, November 14, 2016

Fight for one daughter at a time

This past weekend, I attended the 30th Anniversary of an organization I’m affiliated with called the Maryland Coalition Against Pornography. I was surprised and honored when at the end they presented me with an award for my work in the movement.

I’m moved because this Friday, I turn 29, so this organization literally has been existing and fighting the porn epidemic my entire lifetime. Picking up the torch, I will fight for the rest of my life.

I fight for women like the traumatized event’s speaker, whose father had a porn addiction, which lead to cheating on his wife and eventually to purchasing a prostitute.

I fight for men (and women) I’ve talked to over the years who have a hard time quitting their addiction, want it out of their life so they can love their families and friends the way they were meant to. I fight for men like one I met in Texas, that after hearing my story, decided to tell his wife about his addiction and together is turning their marriage around.

I fight for children---especially my girls---who want a porn-free daddy in their lives to love them, hug them, and see them for the amazing daughters that they are.

I’m nowhere near perfect personally with this fight. And maybe I won’t change the world. But I will fight for the world of difference for one daughter at a time who gets to grow up with a father and mother who sees her with porn-free, pure, and loving eyes.

That is worth fighting for the rest of my life.

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