Fight the New Drug

Fight the New Drug Video: My porn recovery story

***To see my featured talk "How Love Defeats Porn" given at the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C. click here. ***

Monday, January 21, 2013

I Have a Dream: For My Future Daughter

50 years ago Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech that told the nation what he believed in.  This is my dream.

After watching this inspiring video that references MLK several weeks ago, I've been reflecting on what is my big "Why" as the video puts it.  What IS my big picture?

As many people know, I'm newly engaged to my beautiful Mimi.  As wedding planning intensifies, so do the conversations about the life and eventual family we want to share together.  A conversation we've been having often is about sex (here we come August 2013, haha), Natural Family Planning, and how soon we want to have children.

And I think the concrete pictures of my future "son" or "daughter" has clarified for me where my passions about how the pursuit of authentic manhood will directly affect me and it is this:

I believe that whenever my eventual daughter grows up, there shouldn't be a shortage of great, faithful men to choose from.  Her problem should be about which should she choose from, not from which who she has to settle for.

I believe that whenever my eventual son grows up, he shouldn't have to feel he is alone among his peers with the mindset on how to treat women, how to fight and compete virtuously in work, and to live an adventurous life outside a virtual world.

I have a lot to say about this, but I'll stop here.  What is YOUR big "Why?", your big passions?

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