Herodias’ own daughter
came in and performed a dance that delighted Herod and his guests. The king said to the girl, “Ask of me
whatever you wish and I will grant it to you.”
He even swore many things to her, “I will grant you whatever you ask of
me, even to half of my kingdom.”
[After asking her mother what should she request] . . .“I want you
to give me at once on a platter the head of John the Baptist.”
This is an excerpt from today’s Gospel, and how crazy is
it? Girl does dance for man, man
promises her anything and everything, girl asks for the head of another
man. Who said the Bible didn’t have
seduction, violence, and weird family ploys?
The Young and the Restless way
before it’s time.
How often have we men let women “dance” (or more) before
us online, and for the moment, we promise this virtual person anything and
everything----time. Time we could be at
work, time we could be with our significant others, time with our friends or
family, time in prayer, time exercising, time sleeping, time playing
basketball, time reading, time playing guitar, time creating something, time
writing, time building something, time laughing, time eating, time going to
baseball games, time hiking and any other time we could be spending with our
Marriage alone does not free us from the chain of sexual addiction. |
The unfortunate truth is that many married men still look
at porn. In fact, 56% of divorce cases involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic Web sites. A man I read about claimed he had sex with
his wife 25 of the 30 days of the month, but confessed that during the
abstinent five days he would still watch pornography. To me, this just proves that the addiction of
pornography supersedes any amount of sex a man could have.
"56% of divorces involve one of the spouses' addiction to porn. This means porn addiction has broken up 1 out of every 4 marriages."
Pornography isn’t just about chastity, it’s more
serious. It’s an addiction that can be
stronger than a drug addiction, similar to cocaine
from how it physically wires the brain.
I write about this stuff because I desire for every man
to become the best, most alive, strongest and happiest version of himself. Imagine a world with men living to their full
potential, living with passion, fervor, and purpose. We men are powerful, and pornography simply
takes away that power. It emasculates us
and virtually decapitates us.
I just heard of a site called freedom-coaching.net that
involves one-on-one mentoring to free men from this addiction. It’s Catholic, but one does not have to be
Catholic or even religious to use it.
Every man I know (including myself) who has been freed from addiction will tell you it has
taken more than just themselves to get out of it. Every alcoholic or drug addict needs help; pornography is no different. It’s the New
Drug as the great FightTheNewDrug.org Web site calls it. Check out their great video below that describes how pornography affects the brain.
Get help and fight it.
Do it for your (present or future) wives, do it for your (present or
future) children, do it for people in your life who depend on you, and do it
for you. If you are addicted, I bet your true power and capabilities are yet to be uncovered.
Do it or we will offer up anything and everything to the “dancing”
girl on the net. We could, in the end,
even offer our head.
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