Our daily plans should begin with prayer |
I've seen this come up from a number of sources from books to priests to people I know who practice them. If we want to become holy (i.e. become the best versions of themselves, best know God's purpose for us, and have untouchable deep peace and joy) we need to have a plan.
Tonight I read this plan from Phil Lenahan's book 7 Steps to Becoming Financially Free: A Catholic Guide to Managing Your Money:
Dedicate each day to our Lord upon rising with a morning offering
- Read the Bible, [or] the Cathechism [or] the writings of the saints for 10 to 15 minutes each day.
- Attend Mass daily if possible. If not Mass, perhaps a brief visit to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
- Pray the Angelus at midday
- Meditate on the life of Jesus by praying a mystery (or more!) of the rosary each day.
- Complete a five-minute review, or examination of conscience, of your day upon going to bed.
- Make a weekly holy hour (Eucharistic adoration).
- Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation every two weeks.
Now I won't say how many of these things I do, but I will say that I have tried all of these things at different times for a consistent basis, and it has had an everlasting positive impact on my life. If only I had the courage and discipline to combine my consistencies into a full week!
Shoot, what is stopping me to go for all of it this week? I'm going to go for it starting on Sunday. Who's with me?
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