Fight the New Drug

Fight the New Drug Video: My porn recovery story

***To see my featured talk "How Love Defeats Porn" given at the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C. click here. ***

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April: One door closes, and another door...

I flipped my calendar today to April and saw something I'm not used to seeing: it was mostly blank.  No more lines across whole five day weeks with "LOS ANGELES, CA" or "LEXINGTON, KY" written on it.  No more "Fly into D.C." or "Leave for Miami" written on the weekends.  My job as a recruiter with Catholic Volunteer Network officially ended this past Friday after eight months calling campus ministers, talking with students, renting cars, and sleeping on planes.

I'm in the D.C. area for good now and indefinitely.  It'll be nice to finally catch up with some friends I haven't gotten to talk to or see (I finally got my phone back, by the way, hit me up!).  It will also be nice to be able to blog more, not having any time to do any of that while on the go-go-go on the road.  My Lenten Son's Side Up totally failed in posting my pictures, but have definitely been taking shots of things/people that give me joy every day.  I decided I'm going to post all 40 next week when it's all over.

As for the next couple weeks, I'm purposely taking this time off.  I call it my sabbatical.  I need time to apply and interview for the jobs I want in the fall.  These are jobs that I could potentially spending many years working, and can see myself doing so.  Essentially, I'm applying for my first real, full time grown up job with full salary and benefits and it's exciting and frightening all at once.

I also need time to prepare, pack, and get ready for this move.  There's something different about this move then just packing and going to college or going to Costa Rica.  Today I bought whole sets of pots and pans, the other day I drove some furniture from the office to my new place.  This apartment is going to be my new home for I'm not sure how long.

Probably the bigger reason I'm taking this time off is because I need time to process.  There are lot of moments in some days where I could write an entire blog post about.  In Miami, attending an underground break dance battle that was lead by some Christian guys who also were trying to spread the Gospel.  In California, speaking up during the pornography workshop at the Religious Ed Congress, which lead to a number of people who wanted to talk to me, which I now need to write an overdue second post about the subject.  I have all of these videos I've been taking that I finally want to put up.  I have a lot of thank-you notes I need to write to people I've met.  I just need time to process.

April is unsettling and exciting in equal amounts.  The blank calendar challenges me for change, and hopefully growth.  I'll need God's hand through it all, and I ask for prayers for me and everyone else who are going through similar transitions in their life.  In return, if you have any prayers I could pray for, let me know.

I asked God the other day what he was calling me to next in my life and what should I do to find out.  He told me, "Be the best man you're called to be today."

I guess that's all I can do for now.


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