Fight the New Drug

Fight the New Drug Video: My porn recovery story

***To see my featured talk "How Love Defeats Porn" given at the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C. click here. ***

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Three Facts About Porn (we may not want to know)

What would we want from this child?
Wouldn't we want the same for ourselves?
Literally in the past three days, I've come across some links about porn that not everyone might not want to read.  One I found on my own, one a friend randomly emailed to me, and another I just saw on a friend's news feed.  Coincidence, I think not.  Especially while this is all happening in the middle of a prayer experiment for purity (that's, knock on wood, working) that I'm doing with Mimi, this is not coincidence.  What to do with it, I'm not sure yet.  But here are some great resources I've been finding:

1.) This video: The Great Porn Experiment and the great Web site talk about how addictive porn is to the brain and eventually gives Fact #1 that motivated me the first time around two years ago to stop:

I refuse to be in this situation.
Fact #1: "Excessive porn use leads to male erectile dysfunction."  We're talking about us guys not being able to get an erection around a real, live woman.  For me, this is simply not acceptable.  When I get married, I plan to make love to my wife for years to come, and I plan to be the best (darn) thing she has ever had.  That can't happen if I have fact #1, and I refuse it.  If that means giving up a temporary desire for the greater one later, so be it.

2.) This Web site and this graphic video which gives the first facts that if doesn't disturb you enough to want to do something about it, I don't know what does:

A great movie that touches on this is
"Fireproof" about a fireman who decides
to do something drastic to not leave his partner,
marriage behind.
Fact #2"In 56% divorce cases, one of the spouses had an obsessive interest in porn sites."  Considering we're at a 50% divorce rate, this means 1 in 4 marriages split because of one of the spouses' addiction to porn.  Let's all fight to not become a statistic.

3.)  This article on kicking habits and this other Catholic guy's story on his three ways he kicked porn out of his life has summed up the ultimate two keys to Fact #3:

Fact #3: To be free from habitual porn watching, a.) let's make our reward someone we love or something we love doing and b.) realize at what occasions we're tempted and remove ourselves from those moments before we even begin to be tempted.  

A question many women don't want to ask
because they don't want to be disappointed.
A question many men don't want to answer
because we fear we might fail.

In detail, there's a little more to it in my personal experience.  I've had to couple it with prayer, humility, the knowledge I wasn't alone, the concept of guarding my eyes in public, and 15 other small ways I avoid temptation.

Soon I'll go more in depth on my personal story, but for now, let's think about those three facts above. I hope what I'm leaving are weapons for anyone to pick up to fight---for ourselves, the love ones we want to be with, and the good on this earth that's worth fighting for.  I know I'm not alone in this struggle.  But I know I'm not the only one fighting forward in this battle either. Together we can do this.

Think to ourselves: What is one small thing I can do right now?  Click on one of the above links?  Share this with someone else?  Take any of the facts above personally my own?  Let's choose one thing and do it today, and count it as one battle, one triumph won.

Together we can do this.


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